Thursday, September 29, 2011

"SIOCSIFFLAGS: invalid argument"

Ada teman yang curhat, saat dia mau set ip address untuk ether 0 di linux, muncul peringatan seperti ini : "SIOCSIFFLAGS: invalid argument"

Setelah di cek dan ricek, pesan kesalahan tersebut muncul saat terjadi dua hal, yaitu :
1. Salah perintah atau argument yang digunakan.
2. NIC atau lancard di ether yang bersangkutan tidak terdetek. Tidak terdetek di sini, bisa berarti rusak atau mati, dan bisa juga driver chipset lancard tidak didukung atau belum ada pada distro linux yg dipakai.

Solusi untuk penyebab yang pertama sudah jelas, kita bisa mencari di google atau membaca manual mengenai ipconfig.

Solusi untuk penyebab yang kedua, ada beberapa, diantaranya :
1. cek apakah lancard benar-benar sudah terdeteck oleh sistem operasi dengan perintah ifconfig -a . Jika ada nama chipset lancard dari keluaran nya, berarti lancard sudah terdeteck dan siap digunakan. Lalu bisa menggunakan perintah ifconfig eth0 netmask up untuk setting ip atau dengan menggunakan perintah netconfig .

2. Jika lancard ternyata tidak ditampilkan, berarti bisa berarti rusak atau driver chipset tidak didukung. Jika rusak atau mati silahkan beli baru, pokoknya ganti dengan yang masih hidup. Untuk mengetahui apakah mati atau driver tdk terdeteck, bisa dicoba pindahkan lancard ke pc lain yang berbeda sistem operasinya, atau bisa juga dengan melihat pada bios. Kalo memang di bios ditunjukkan bahwa lancard tersebut terdeteck, silahkan install manual menggunakan driver yang sesuai dengan sistem operasi, yang biasanya dapat didapatkan di website resmi merek lancard.

Sekian pengalaman saya, jika ada yang mau memberi tambahan atau kritik saran, silahkan. :D
Ayo sama2 belajar...salam..

Sunday, September 25, 2011

ASUS Releases the Coolest Passive Card on the Market

with the release of the new HD 6770 DirectCU Silent, ASUS has deployed the most powerful and advanced fanless graphics cards available. Running totally silent and 16%* cooler than generic passive designs, the ASUS DirectCU Silent series increases thermal performance and offers consumers a more reliable and longer lasting experience that meets every graphics need, from casual multimedia to dedicated gaming.
DirectCU Silent technology offers 95%* larger heatsinks for 16%* cooler performance

ASUS thermal engineers have developed exclusive DirectCU cooling technology, integrating direct-contact copper heat pipes that touch the GPU core for faster and more effective heat dissipation, and thus lower temperatures and better performance. Based on these principles, ASUS engineers have created the most effective 0dB silent graphics cards available. DirectCU Silent designs have been applied on the GT 430, GT 440, GTS 450 and HD 6670 previously, and now on the HD 6770 model. Through intricate material processing and intelligent molding, the heatsinks in DirectCU Silent cards offer up to 95%* larger surface area and run around 16%* cooler than conventional passive cards, resulting in more stable performance and longer lasting products.
Super Alloy Power enhances product longevity and performance

Based on a proprietary alloy mix developed in-house by ASUS, Super Alloy Power involves filling power delivery components with a high endurance compound that can better resist heat. Super Alloy Power components lead to 15%* faster performance, a wider overclocking margin, and products that last 2.5* times longer than generic graphics cards.
Delivering cool and stable gaming performance

The DirectX® 11-compatible ASUS HD 6770 DirectCU Silent features 800 stream processors and 40 texture units, plus 1GB of GDDR5 video memory. This means it is more than able to handle HD gaming with details and effects set to medium or higher, which was unheard of with previous silent cards. The HD 6770 DirectCU Silent is therefore an excellent choice for consumers who require a quiet computing environment, and at the same time are unwilling to sacrifice potent multimedia and gaming capabilities.
Product highlights

ASUS DirectCU Silent graphics cards are the coolest silent choice currently available. Totally quiet 0dB passive cooling creates a hushed usage environment and runs 16%* cooler than conventional passive cards, presenting unmitigated multimedia and gaming performance
The heatsink on the HD 6770 DirectCU Silent offers up to 95%* larger surface area than its respective reference design for faster heat dissipation
ASUS exclusive Super Alloy Power components offer a 15%* performance boost and 2.5* longer product lifespan
The HD 6770 DirectCU Silent ships with 1GB of GDDR5 video memory to handle HD gaming in high detail and with most effects turned on

GIGABYTE Announces Record Memory Performance on the GA-7TESM Server Motherboard

GIGABYTE and NETLIST Team Up to Boost Datacenter Performance

GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY Co. Ltd., is proud to announce that its GA-7TESM server motherboard together with Hypercloud memory modules from NETLIST has reached unprecedented memory performance that opens new perspective for the cloud computing, virtualization, and high performance computing industries.

This unique combination of high quality components has proved to be the only one to date to reach a maximum memory frequency at a full 3DPC population successfully. GIGABYTE and NETLIST have now enabled a maximum capacity of 288GB DRAM runnning at a 1333MT/s speed on a dual processor motherboard:

This new validated solution answers a significant need to run more bandwidth intensive, high performance computing applications among organizations for which improving server utilization is a critical objective. Thanks to the association of GIGABYTE's leading motherboard design and NETLIST 's cutting-edge technologies in memory modules, a superior computing solution is now available for advanced memory intensive applications relying on high density server systems.

Tips Atasi Kebiasaan Menunda

Beberapa orang mungkin merasa bersalah dan menyesali diri, karena sadar bahwa menjadi 'si penunda' hanya membuat tugas mereka tidak selesai dengan baik.Sementara sebagian lain merasa terbiasa menunda pekerjaan dan mengaku bisa lebih fokus jika harus berkejaran dengan deadline. Apapun alasannya, menunda pekerjaan adalah kebiasaan buruk yang harus dihentikan. Jika risiko jangka pendeknya adalah hasil kerja yang tidak maksimal, maka risiko lebih besar yang menunggu Anda adalah gangguan kesehatan seperti stress dan migrain. Ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini dan rasakanlah manfaatnya berhenti menjadi procrastinator!

Bagi Tugas Anda

"Si Penunda" biasa memakai waktu Sistem Kebut Semalam, menyelesaikan segala tugas dengan begadang semalam suntuk. Selain mengganggu jam tidur, melakukan pekerjaan besar seperti membuat essay berlembar-lembar tentu tak mudah dilakukan dalam semalam. Anda butuh membagi tugas, seperti mencicil satu lembar essay setiap hari atau menulis sebanyak mungkin dalam waktu 20 menit secara rutin setiap hari hingga pekerjaan Anda selesai.

Mulai dari Tugas Terberat

Banyak orang justru senang menjauhi tugas yang paling tidak mereka inginkan, padahal itu justru akan memberatkan mereka. Cara terbaik menyelesaikan seluruh pekerjaan adalah dengan mengerjakan yang terberat dan menikmati hari-hari santai selanjutnya dengan tugas yang ringan. Menyelesaikan tugas terberat lebih dulu juga akan membuat hal yang ringan jadi terasa mudah untuk diselesaikan

Buddy and Reward System

Minta rekan kerja atau sahabat untuk memonitor perkembangan kerja Anda. Lalu setelah tugas selesai, beri hadiah untuk diri Anda. Hadiah tersebut bisa hal-hal kecil yang paling Anda sukai atau hal-hal yang jarang Anda lakukan; spa, makan es krim sepuasnya, atau ke bioskop di akhir pekan. Anda juga akan lebih bertanggung jawab terhadap tugas apabila ada orang yang memonitor kinerja Anda. Caranya, berikan daftar tugas yang harus diselesaikan hari ini pada teman dan minta Ia mengecek apakah Anda sudah mencapai target yang ditentukan. Jangan lupa terus memotivasi diri Anda bahwa ada hadiah yang menunggu jika tugas telah selesai.

Mulai Lebih Dulu

Jangan tunggu sampai Anda merasa siap atau termotivasi untuk mulai mengerjakan tugas! Banyak orang justru menemukan motivasi saat mereka telah memulai pekerjaan itu. Misalnya ketika Anda ingin mencari barang hilang kemudian Anda termotivasi untuk membersihkan rumah.Tentu akan lebih efisien jika Anda membersihkan rumah jauh-jauh hari agar kemungkinan barang hilang dapat diminimalisir.

Ingat, menunda pekerjaan hanya akan menambah beban Anda. Jika beban tugas bertambah, tentunya beban pikiran pun juga bertambah dan hal tersebut bisa berdampak pada hasil kerja yang kurang maksimal. Seperti kata pepatah Rusia, "Tidak ada hasil baik dari proses yang terburu-buru."

from :

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Lilia Wang to Act as Acer CFO; Che-min Tu Appointed Special Assistant to the Chairman

Lilia Wang to Act as Acer CFO;
Che-min Tu Appointed Special Assistant to the Chairman

TAIPEI, TAIWAN (September 21, 2011) -- Acer Inc.'s chief financial officer (CFO), Che-min Tu, shall transfer to the position of special assistant to the chairman, while Acer global controller and EMEA CFO, Lilia Wang, shall act as CFO.

Due to health reasons, Tu will be released from the position of Acer CFO. In his new role, Tu shall be responsible for the planning and implementation of projects assigned by Acer chairman. Meanwhile, the company will begin search for a new CFO candidate and hopes to complete the recruitment over the next four months.

Considering the overall needs of Acer's financial unit, including organizational management and personnel planning, Wang has been chosen as acting CFO. Earlier this month, she was appointed to serve as Acer EMEA CFO, concurrent to her role of global controller. Wang has accumulated more than 25 years at Acer.

Celebrating the Open Technology Foundation

Max McLaren, Managing Director for Red Hat Australia and New Zealand

Open source, like any successful business should, relies on open collaboration and transparency as foundations. At Red Hat, our ethos is built on collaboration, as are our development and business models. Collaboration runs deep through our veins and our commitment to collaborating is relentless because it benefits everyone, users, partners and the open source community.

We believe in collaborating for the good of open source, and aspire to drive its adoption around the world in all layers of society.
A recent collaborative initiative is with the Open Technology Foundation (OTF), which recently launched in Australia with strong support from government and industry. Established with support from Carnegie Mellon University and South Australian Government, the OTF is an authoritative peak body for the Australian and New Zealand public sector and is focused on advancing the uptake of open technologies in all layers of Government.

At Red Hat we are convinced that basing our software on open standards and leveraging an open source development model is critical to delivering software that addresses key business requirements including flexibility, cost effectiveness and functionality, without ‘locking’ organisations into a single supplier's technology, or making it prohibitively difficult to integrate with, or migrate to, other suppliers' components.

With that said, we wholeheartedly support the principles of the OTF, especially in terms of identifying and supporting open technology developers and suppliers, and helping to align their solutions to Federal, State and Local Government requirements. A body like the OTF has been a long time coming in this part of the world, and perhaps that is because of the disparate and differing requirements of the various levels of Government, or because up until recent times open technology alternatives have not necessarily been viewed by all as valid options for Government.
Well, that’s no longer the case. While some government bodies, particularly in Brazil and the EU, have long favored open source and open standards, the prominent use of open technologies by the Obama Administration has raised awareness of the benefits of open source by governments around the world.

Australia has definitely felt the knock-on effect. Here, every Government department has a focus on reducing costs and a number of those have conducted budget reviews to identify areas where savings can be maximised. As a result, currently more than 80 departments are utilising open source in an effort to achieve maximum functionality at a substantially lower price.

Beyond the obvious cost benefits, open source is a smart choice for Government departments and agencies because it promotes collaboration through the deployment of standards and openness. Interoperability across various sectors of Government, and a strong adherence to standards, is also another way open source reduces the need to pour money into development and new equipment.

The public sector has certainly not escaped the cloud computing phenomenon and its potential is being investigated in datacentres right across Government. In an open source setting, cloud computing has the capacity to drive out even further costs – even in utility computing – and can reduce datacentre footprints, provide greater reliability and handle disaster recovery. Already, Red Hat is working with Government agencies to establish services within a private Government cloud – delivering all the benefits of cloud computing in a secure setting.

It is certainly our hope that with support from those with the vision and foresight to embrace all that open technologies have to offer, the OTF will be proactive in promoting these sorts of opportunities to Government.

One high profile advocate of open technology is Senator Kate Lundy, who holds the responsibilities of Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister and Parliamentary Secretary for Immigration Affairs. In a recent blog post about the launch of the OTF, the Senator commented “Open technologies, methods and standards all play an important role in the development of sustainable implementation strategies for open data, citizen-centric services and online public engagement.”

I look forward to working with the OTF to continue eliminating confusion and FUD through informing and enlightening.

Knowledge is power, so let’s share it.

For additional information about the Open Technology Foundation, visit

Learn About Java Technology

Learn About Java Technology

To date, the Java platform has attracted more than 6.5 million software developers. It's used in every major industry segment and has a presence in a wide range of devices, computers, and networks.

Java technology's versatility, efficiency, platform portability, and security make it the ideal technology for network computing. From laptops to datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere!

1.1 billion desktops run Java
930 million Java Runtime Environment downloads each year
3 billion mobile phones run Java
31 times more Java phones ship every year than Apple and Android combined
100% of all Blu-ray players run Java
1.4 billion Java Cards are manufactured each year
Java powers set-top boxes, printers, Web cams, games, car navigation systems, lottery terminals, medical devices, parking payment stations, and more.

To see places of Java in Action in your daily life, explore
Why Software Developers Choose Java

Java has been tested, refined, extended, and proven by a dedicated community. And numbering more than 6.5 million developers, it's the largest and most active on the planet. With its versatilty, efficiency, and portability, Java has become invaluable to developers by enabling them to:

Write software on one platform and run it on virtually any other platform
Create programs to run within a Web browser and Web services
Develop server-side applications for online forums, stores, polls, HTML forms processing, and more
Combine applications or services using the Java language to create highly customized applications or services
Write powerful and efficient applications for mobile phones, remote processors, low-cost consumer products, and practically any other device with a digital heartbeat

Some Ways Software Developers Learn Java

Many colleges and universities offer courses in programming for the Java platform. In addition, developers can also enhance their Java programming skills by reading Oracle's Java developer web site, subscribing to Java technology-focused newsletters, using the Java Tutorial and the New to Java Programming Center, and signing up for Web, virtual, or instructor-led courses.

OTN logo The Oracle Technology Network is the world's largest community of application developers, database admins, system admins/developers, and architects using industry-standard technologies in combination with Oracle products. It is also the home of, the ultimate, complete, and authoritative source of technical information about Java. Membership is free, join today! (In your Profile, check the Oracle Technology Network box under My Community Memberships.)
What Is JavaFX

JavaFX logo JavaFX extends your web experience by delivering rich media and content across all the screens of your life. As users, you will be able to run JavaFX applications in a browser or drag and drop them onto the desktop. It's a seamless interface!

JavaFX is powered by Java: JavaFX extends the power of Java by allowing developers to use any Java library within JavaFX applications. This way developers can expand their capabilities in Java and make use of the revolutionary presentation technology that JavaFX provides to build engaging visual experiences.
Highlights of JavaFX:

Allows users to view JavaFX applications in a browser or break free of the browser by dragging and dropping the same application onto the desktop
Enables an efficient designer-to-developer workflow with Project Nile: designers can work in their tools of choice while collaborating with Web scripters who use the NetBeans IDE with JavaFX
Extends Java technology by enabling use of any Java library within a JavaFX application
Allows developers to integrate vector graphics, animation, audio, and video Web assets into a rich, interactive, immersive application

To learn more about JavaFX technology, visit or web sites for more information.

India’s Escorts Group embraces IBM Smarter Computing for group wide ERP implementation project

Workload-optimized servers, smarter storage to help company reduce costs by 35 percent

India, - 23 Sep 2011:

The Escorts Group, one of India’s leading engineering conglomerates, is adopting IBM’s (NYSE: IBM) smarter computing approach to information technology. Through an agreement with IBM, Escorts Group will receive a workload-optimized hardware solution to replace the company’s existing ERP system infrastructure. The advanced systems will provide enhanced performance and compliment the company’s business growth goals of lowering overall IT operating costs.

“Escorts Group has embarked on a journey of IT transformation to achieve operational & manufacturing excellence,” said Mr. Vipin Kumar, Group CIO, Escorts Limited. “To achieve this we are not only going beyond adhering to prevailing norms, we are in fact setting our own standards and relentlessly pursuing them to achieve our desired benchmarks of excellence. To aid us in this journey we needed a scalable and high-performing IT infrastructure, backed by a robust technology roadmap. IBM clearly had the best solution, while ensuring a reduction in our energy footprint and increasing return on investment.”

Escorts Group is expanding its current deployment of Oracle Corp.’s Oracle Applications ERP software to cover two new divisions – a utilization increase of about 40 percent. During the hardware evaluation process to support the expansion, Escorts considered various options including Itanium-based servers from Hewlett-Packard Co. and Oracle Corp.’s Exadata Database Machine. The company, however, chose to replace its existing HP PA-RISC servers with IBM Power® 750 Express® and IBM Power 740 Express systems. Each of the systems is complemented by IBM System Storage® DS5000s, and IBM Tivoli® Storage Manager software.

The new infrastructure resides in Escorts Group’s newly-built corporate data center and will manage the company’s disaster recovery system in addition to the ERP system. In addition to gains in performance and reliability, the IBM solution is expected to provide Escorts Group with savings in power and cooling costs of between 30 to 35 percent, over a three year period.

"IBM has extensive global experience in helping clients implement solutions that save money, create operational efficiencies and improve competitiveness. The solution we designed for Escorts Group provides a strong platform for further development and growth,” said Viswanath Ramaswamy, Country Manager, Power Systems, Systems and Technology Group, IBM India/SA. IBM partnered with Wipro in implementing the solution. The contract was signed in June 2011.

About IBM For more information please visit .

About Escorts For more information, please visit

Setting huawei di centos

Udah nginstall centos, trus udah nginstall paket-paketnya, cuman perlu update. Banyak cara kalo pengen update.
1. Bawa ke warnet, ijin make kabel lannya (cuman jarang yang mau).
2. Make modem rumah - trus config wvdialnya/minicom - cuman kan jarang sekarang yang punya modem serial lagi.
3. Macem-macem cara lain : misalnya make komputer temen yang dijadikan gateway :D

Cuma kita konsentrasi dengan menggunakan modem 3G - Mudah - Murah - Flexible. Kenapa? gak perlu instalasi kabel telepon kerumah, gak perlu bayar abodemen, tinggal beli kartu gsm ama modemnya aja. Pasang dan browse.
Paket-paket 3G banyak rupa : Telkomsel (apn = Internet atau Flash), Indosat dan Excelcom.
kita bahas yang makai 3G - Telkomsel - Flash aja.
List Modem 3G bisa dilihat di bhineka. Tapi perhatikan modem anda bisa jalan di linux atau tidak.
Tulisan ini menggunakan HUAWEI E156G - Black (V) tapi bisa juga untuk HUAWEI E160 - Black (V), bedanya ya di kecepatannya yang satu 7.2 mbps yang satunya lagi cuman 3.6 mbps (tapi toh tergantung dari network operatornya juga - Kalo telkomsel masih make yang hsdpa 2.4 mbps, jadi anda percuma kalau pakai yang 7.2 mbps - kecuali utk keperluan drive test).

Saatnya setting Modem Anda :
1. Cek dulu kernel anda :
# uname -r
Perhatikan jika anda menggunakan kernel seri terbaru maka kernel ini secara otomatis akan mengenali modem usb anda dan mengubah port usbnya menjadi port serial.
2. Pasang modem berserta kartunya (jangan lupa!) dan tunggu sebentar.
3. Cek dengan perintah :
# dmesg
Fungsinya mengetahui posisi USB modem anda ada di /dev/ttyusb0 atau /dev/ttyusb1
4. Buka file /etc/wvdial.conf
# vi /etc/wvdial.conf
kalau masih kosong isikan dengan (ini dengan paket Telkomsel Flash) jika dengan paket internet silahkan ganti di bagian Init3 "flash" menjadi "internet", dan Phone "*99***1# menjadi *99#, untuk meningkatkan kecepatan modem bisa menggunakan Baud = 115200 (perhatikan : makin besar nilai yang anda berikan maka makin besar kecepat yang anda dapatkan, tapi lihat kemampuan modem anda, jika tidak sesuai maka modem anda akan sering mati)

[Dialer Defaults]
Modem Type = Analog Modem
Stupid Mode = yes
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0
Baud = 460800

Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Init3 = AT+CGDCONT=1, "ip", "flash"

Username = "
Password = "
Phone = *99***1#
ISDN = 0

Perhatikan tanda quote (petik 2 - jangan menggunakan petik 1 2x ), takutnya nanti anda gagal dibagian dialing
5. Jalankan wvdial

Nanti terlihat saat anda menggunakan stupid mode, alamat dnsnya, karena dns ini berubah-ubah tergantung dari setting operator.
buka tab baru, dan edit nameserver di file /etc/resolve.conf
#vi /etc/resolve.conf
Tambahkan line berikut jika masih belum ada

press [esc] and save [shift]+z+z
di tab wvdial [ctrl]+c = mengakibatkan koneksi terputus. lalu jalankan wvdial lagi.

6.buka firefox/browser web anda, arahkan ke
7.anda siap menggunakan internet.

Tombol Keyboard yang sering ditekan selain angka dan huruf

Berikut ini adalah tombol yang sering ditekan pada keyboard komputer selain angka dan huruf.

1. Space
Space atau spasi, yang digunakan untuk memberikan jeda antar kada. Jika tidak ada tombol spasi, tulisan anda akan seperti karet gelang, tidak ada ujungnya.

2. Enter
Enter adalah untuk pindah baris, pada aplikasi teks editor. Jika dalam fungsi umum, enter digunakan untuk mulai melakukan atau menyetujui perintah yang akan dilakukan oleh komputer. Do you agree?Yes. [ENTER] :D

3. Capslock.
Tombol ini untuk membuat huruf besar.

4. Tombol backspace atau panah kekiri
Untuk menghapus tulisan atau kembali ke halaman berikutnya.

5. Print Screen
Untuk merekam session dalam desktop menjadi sebuah gambar.

Nah, itulah 5 tombol yang sering saya tekan selain huruf dan angka. :D

Kegiatan yang biasa dilakukan di depan komputer

Sembari mengerjakan tugas, sembari melakukan pekerjaan di depan komputer, tak jarang kita juga melakukan kegiatan yang lain. Berikut ini adalah beberapa kegiatan yang sering dilakukan di depan komputer. Data ini hanya menurut survey dan pengalaman dari saya sendiri. :D

1. Makan
Nikmatnya sambil makan atau nyemil di depan komputer. Camilan yang biasa harus ada di meja komputer adalah chiki, roti, wafer, cokelat, dan kacang. Konon ada orang yang beranggapan bahwa, tanpa kacang mata tak bisa terbuka. :D Kalau saya, roti saja cukup.

2. Minum

Minuman yang sering ada di meja komputer adalah kopi. Yup, karena kopi dapat menahan mata kita dari rasa kantuk. Tapi hati-hati!jaga kesehatan.

3. Merokok

Yah...bagi pria, termasuk saya, merokok wajib saat di depan komputer. Selain dapat mengurangi rasa kantuk, juga bisa menambah percaya diri dalam melakukan pekerjaan. Selain itu konon katanya banyak yang mendapat inspirasi setelah merokok.

4. Mendengarkan music
Ini...biasanya cewek yang banyak melakukan ini. Cowok juga tidak sedikit. Karena music adalah warna bagi kehidupan. Dapat mempengaruhi emosi jiwa dan pikiran. Jadi music sangat perlu.

Yah,,,baru itu saja yang dapat saya sebutkan, karena itu yang paling banyak dilakukan orang di depan komputer termasuk saya.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

11 Rumah yg akan di hadiri para Malaikat

1. Rumah yang diliputi dzikir kepada Allah yang di dalamnya ada ruku dan sujud
2. Rumah yang senantiasa bersih
3. Rumah yang penghuninya adalah orang-orang yang jujur dan menepati janji
4. Rumah yang dihuni oleh orang-orang yang senantiasa menyambung tali silaturahim
5. Rumah yang dihuni oleh orang yang makanannya halal
6. Rumah yang dihuni oleh orang yang senantiasa berbuat baik kepada kedua orang tuanya.
7. Rumah yang senantiasa ada tilawah Al-Quran
8. Rumah yang dihuni oleh para penuntut ilmu
9. Rumah yang penghuninya ada isteri solehah
10. Rumah yang bersih dari barang-barang haram
11. Rumah yang dihuni oleh orang yang rendah hati, sabar, tawakal, qana’ah, dermawan pemaaf yang senantiasa bersih lahir batin dan para penghuninya makan tidak terlalu banyak dan tidak ada anjing dan gambar (makhluk hidup) di dalamnya

kalkulator sederhana dengan perl

use strict;
print ">";
print eval, "\n" while chomp($_=);

hasil keluarannya adalah :

Thursday, September 15, 2011

“Halo Dunia” dilihat dari 5 menara

Saya akan memberikan contoh kode program sederhana dari beberapa bahasa pemrograman yaitu c/c++,perl,java dan c#. Program yang akan saya buat adalah program yang menampilkan “Halo Dunia”.

Kode program halo dunia untuk perl yaitu sebagai berikut :

print “halo dunia /n”;

Saya menggunakan Padre sebagai IDE untuk membangun program perl. Dibawah ini adalah gambar padre dengan kode program halo dunia.

Lalu jika di execute, atau dengan menekan F5, keluaran yang dihasilkan adalah sebagai berikut :

Kode program halo dunia jika ditulis menggunakan c yaitu :

printf("Hello World");

Sedangkan jika menggunakan c++ sebagai berikut :

using namespace std;
cout << "halo dunia";
return 0;

Membuat program halo dunia menggunakan bahasa pemrograman c# yaitu sebagai berikut :

class halodunia
static public void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine ("Halo dunia!!");

Dibawah ini conntoh tampilan monodevelope (IDE c# for linux) saat menjalankan program halodunia.cs.

Membuat program halodunia menggunakan java adalah sebagai berikut, kode programnya:

class halodunia {
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println("Halo dunia!!!");

Nah, itulah program halodunia yang dibuat menggunakan beberapa bahasa pemrograman. :D semoga berguna. Akan saya lanjutkan lain waktu untuk membuat beberapa program sederhana lagi. :D selamat coding ria