Tuesday, June 28, 2011

BSD Hack

Dari A sampai Z mengenai Sistem operasi BSD.

Download here


Written for the intermediate to advanced wireless user, Wireless Hacks is full of direct, practical, ingenious solutions to real-world networking problems. Whether your wireless network needs to extend to the edge of your office or to the other end of town, this collection of non-obvious, "from the field" techniques will show you how to get the job done.

download here

database hacker handbook

database hacker handbook

Table of Contents
The Database Hacker's Handbook — Defending Database Servers
Part I - Introduction
Chapter 1 - Why Care About Database Security?
Part II - Oracle
Chapter 2 - The Oracle Architecture
Chapter 3 - Attacking Oracle
Chapter 4 - Oracle: Moving Further into the Network
Chapter 5 - Securing Oracle
Part III - DB2
Chapter 6 - IBM DB2 Universal Database
Chapter 7 - DB2: Discovery, Attack, and Defense
Chapter 8 - Attacking DB2
Chapter 9 - Securing DB2
Part IV - Informix
Chapter 10 - The Informix Architecture
Chapter 11 - Informix: Discovery, Attack, and Defense
Chapter 12 - Securing Informix
Part V - Sybase ASE
Chapter 13 - Sybase Architecture
Chapter 14 - Sybase: Discovery, Attack, and Defense
Chapter 15 - Sybase: Moving Further into the Network
Chapter 16 - Securing Sybase
Part VI - MySQL
Chapter 17 - MySQL Architecture
Chapter 18 - MySQL: Discovery, Attack, and Defense
Chapter 19 - MySQL: Moving Further into the Network
Chapter 20 - Securing MySQL
Part VII - SQL Server
Chapter 21 - Microsoft SQL Server Architecture
Chapter 22 - SQL Server: Exploitation, Attack, and Defense
Chapter 23 - Securing SQL Server
Part VIII - PostgreSQL
Chapter 24 - The PostgreSQL Architecture
Chapter 25 - PostgreSQL: Discovery and Attack
Chapter 26 - Securing PostgreSQL http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
Part IX - Appendixes
Appendix A - Example C Code for a Time-Delay SQL Injection Harness
Appendix B - Dangerous Extended Stored Procedures
Appendix C - Oracle Default Usernames and Passwords

Download here


Pertama kali mengenal hacking, handbook saya adalah ebook ini :D


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Hacking Ubuntu Serious Hacks Mods and Customizations (2007)

Hacking Ubuntu Serious Hacks Mods and Customizations (2007)

Table of Contents
Hacking Ubuntu
Part I - Optimizing Your System
Chapter 1 - Hacking the Installation
Chapter 2 - Making Ubuntu Usable
Chapter 3 - Configuring Devices
Part II - Working with Compatibility
Chapter 4 - Managing Software
Chapter 5 - Communicating Online
Chapter 6 - Collaborating
Part III - Improving Performance
Chapter 7 - Tuning Processes http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
Chapter 8 - Multitasking Applications
Chapter 9 - Getting Graphical with Video Bling
Part IV - Securing Your System
Chapter 10 - Locking Down Ubuntu
Chapter 11 - Advanced Networking
Chapter 12 - Enabling Services

download here

55 Ways to Have Fun With Google

A cabinet of search engine curiosities, riddles, games, and a little bit of usefulness. Download here

Friday, June 24, 2011

10 Kiat menjadi technopreneur untuk mahasiswa lugu

10 Kiat Menjadi Technopreneur untuk Mahasiswa Lugu menurut Romi Satrio Wahono Inti dari paparan tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:

Identifikasi diri dan Lingkungan
Pelajari latar belakang teman satu angkatan. Bapak dan ibunya kerja sebagai apa misalnya. Apakah ada yang menjadi dokter, mengelola klinik, rumah sakit atau apotik? Atau mungkin ada yang punya toko buku atau pengelola perpustakaan? Oh mungkin ada yang bekerja di bengkel? Pelajari semua dan cari informasi sebanyak mungkin? Untuk apa? Simak kiat kedua.

Pilih Tema Produk
Ok sekarang pilih, cari teman yang bisa diajak kompromi, yang cukup dekat atau bahkan sahabat, dan punya semangat sama untuk terjun bebas memulai berbisnis. Anggap kita pilih yang kebetulan bapaknya punya atau mengelola apotik.

Pilih dan Pilah Produk
Cari referensi di toko buku, adakah buku tentang belajar bahasa pemrograman yang menggunakan contoh membangun aplikasi atau sistem informasi manajemen (SIM) untuk apotik? Cari buku sampai yang terselip di rak-rak toko buku. Kadang ada buku yang meskipun desain covernya kurang baik, tapi studi kasusnya lengkap, bahkan source code-nya dibagi. Tidak ketemu? Ok cari yang open source saja, coba cek dari sf.net. Lakukan terus Googling.

ATM (Amati Tiru Modifikasi)
Jika sudah dapat, sekarang mulai oprek SIM untuk apotik tadi. Mulai pelajari kodenya, modifikasi dan tambahkan fungsi-fungsi yang diperlukan. Masih sederhana dulu tidak masalah. Buka semua file image, baik gif, jpg, dan png. Lakukan editing atau buat image baru yang unik dan khas. Intinya percantik desainnya, ini enteng kan, apalagi anda jagoan manipulasi image dan foto. Jangan lupa cek lisensinya supaya tidak melanggar, dan juga beri credit ke pengembang asal kalau itu opensource. Tidak perlu risih untuk memasukkan satu kalimat “Powered by …. ” atau “Engine by …” pada SIM Apotik yang kita oprek tadi.

Tawarkan dan Gratiskan Aplikasinya
Sekarang kita sudah punya produk berupa software yang siap ditawarkan, meskipun sederhana dan engine-nya ambil dari contoh di buku atau opensource. Sebarkan ke teman yang kita pilih tadi, minta dia “merayu” bapaknya supaya mau pakai software SIM itu di apotik milik beliau. TIdak perlu bayar, gratis, tinggal nyediakan PC atau laptopnya saja, itupun nggak perlu canggih-canggih. Komputer tua saja toh SIM kita juga belum banyak fiturnya.

Dapatkan Portfolio dan Promosi
Pastikan berhasil diimplementasikan! Berdua dengan sahabat kita tadi, bantu pegawai apotik untuk entri data yaitu data daftar obat yang disediakan oleh apotik. Jangan lupa buat spanduk kecil dan brosur diatas komputer tadi, beri tulisan:”Apotik ini Dikelola dengan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Apotik (SIMAPO) ver 1.0”

Lakukan Blog Marketing
Jangan puas sampai disitu, buat situs untuk promosi, kalau nggak ada modal pakai saja blog gratisan dengan WordPress.Com atau Blogspot.Com. Ngeblog deh, ceritakan bagaimana SIMAPO itu dikembangkan. Tulis juga pengantar tentang sistem informasi manajemen, tentang obat-obatan, tentang apotik, tentang kenapa apotik harus memanfaatkan IT. Kalau perlu manjakan pengunjung dengan daftar apotik seluruh Indonesia, data dari mana? Ya cari dari YellowPage atau Googling, jangan lupa beri tulisan yang agak gede: “SIMAPO ver 1.0 Telah diimplementasikan di Salah Satu Apotik di Kota Besar di Indonesia“.

Kejar Terus Portfolio
Masih belum boleh puas Rayu teman lain yang punya tetangga, kakek, nenek, bapak, ibu, paman atau saudaranya baik jauh maupun dekat yang mengelola apotik. Minta supaya mau install, gratis, tapi kalau mau bayar juga nggak nolak, Rp 500.000 deh, kalau ditawar Rp 50.000 ya nggak masalah. Anggap saja ada ongkos naik angkot untuk install SIM-nya. Jangan lupa update spanduk dan brosur, “Apotik Ini Dikelola dengan SIMAPO ver 1.0, Sistem Informasi Manajemen untuk Apotik yang telah Diimplementasikan di Beberapa Kota Besar di Indonesia“.

Benahi Software dan Tambahkan Fitur
Alhamdulillah sudah dapat dua customer. Meskipun masih gratisan, tapi lumayan untuk nambahi Portfolio :). Mulai oprek-oprek lagi aplikasi Apotik kita, tambahkan fitur berdasarkan feedback dari Apotik yang sudah menggunakan. Benahi lagi user interface, percantik lagi, buat yang lebih segar dan unik, beri versi baru 1.1. Mulai tawarkan lagi, hanya jangan lagi gratis, Rp 300.000 atau Rp 700.000, tapi kalau teman sendiri yang minta asal ada ongkos jalan juga OK Mudah-mudahan bisa terus berkembang.

Matangkan Produk dan Inovasi
Kalau sudah matang dengan satu produk, terus perbaiki produk itu sampai lengkap fiturnya. Dan kalau tertarik untuk mengembangkan produk lain, mulai lagi dari tahap pertama, cari teman lagi yang bapaknya punya bengkel, pengelola perpustakaan, punya toko buku, dsb. Siapa tahu bisa bikinkan aplikasi untuk bengkel, perpustakaan atau toko buku.

Panasonic's Unique LED Technology Showcased in Guangzhou, China

Panasonic took part in the Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition 2011, which was held in Guangzhou, China, for four days starting on June 9th. The spatial installation at this exhibition highlighted key features that make Panasonic unique among its competitors. Panasonic has made efforts to strike a balance between "quality of light" and "energy savings" with a combination of various hard and soft technologies that creatively illuminate the environment in order to bring to life a comfortable, yet eco-conscious environment. Panasonic will step up its commitment to the global promotion of its LED lighting; it will shift its product mix with respect to lighting, so that LEDs will comprise over 40% of the global product line-up and over 60% of the product line-up offered in China by 2016.

The Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition is the largest lighting exhibition in China and this year's event marked its sixteenth anniversary. This exhibition, which welcomed roughly 2,600 exhibitors in a venue measuring 200,000m², has become one of the largest lighting exhibitions in the world in terms of both scale and content. This year's exhibition also served as the Asian LED Exhibition, so companies from all around the world gathered to showcase their latest in LED materials, products, and design ideas.

And of course, Panasonic was also an exhibitor. Located in the International Brand section of the exhibition, this year's theme for the Panasonic booth was "LED lighting from Panasonic - the brand you can trust." The contribution of Panasonic's LED lighting to the development of lighting culture around the world was clearly demonstrated in the following three zones:

An Integrated Message from Milano Salone del Mobile and Guangzhou
A part of Panasonic's exhibit from Milano Salone del Mobile which featured a soft and sensitive, yet dynamic illumination unique to Panasonic LEDs was recreated at Guangzhou. The exhibit illustrates the excellent "quality of light" Panasonic has aspired to realize.

Advanced Technology Simulation Zone
In addition to the exhibits highlighting the technology incorporated in straight LED lights, this zone also proposed spatial lighting using Panasonic's "Feu" index, which quantitatively and objectively measures the subjective "spatial brightness" we experience which cannot be expressed by conventional indices such as floor illuminance or lux. The exhibit provided visitors an opportunity to experience the difference in brightness using the Feu index.

Spatial and Product Hands-on Zone
This zone featured a house and office equipped with Panasonic's latest residential and non-residential lighting products scheduled for release in China by 2012. It is a very convincing presentation of how Panasonic's LED lighting is changing the office and home environment, as well as people's lifestyles.

At the Press Conference

At the press conference held on the opening day of the exhibition (June 9), Akihiro Yamamoto, the president of Panasonic Electric Works China Co., Ltd., spoke about the growth of the LED lighting market in China, as well as the increase in consumers' awareness for lighting quality. He further explained how the Chinese government has recognized the reliability of Panasonic's lighting products it has cultivated over the years, explaining it as the reason why the government has adopted Panasonic's LED lighting for numerous national projects. Participation in such projects has enabled Panasonic to penetrate into the Chinese market with its LED lighting. He pledged that while placing reliability as the foremost priority, Panasonic will further accelerate its efforts to bring to life excellent LED lighting as part of its total energy solutions for entire homes, buildings, and towns.

Panasonic will continue to contribute to the creation of a comfortable and energy efficient lighting environment by taking part in a wide range of national and private projects.

GIGABYTE Pertama menghadirkan dukungan prosesor AM3+ pada motherboard Entry Level

Lebih dari 25 model motherboard GIGABYTE dengan dukungan prosesor AM3+

Taipei, Taiwan, 17 Juni 2011 – GIGABYTE TECHNOLGY Co. Ltd., pabrikan motherboard dan kartu grafis terkemuka, hari ini merilis revisi terbaru 3.1 untuk motherboard GA-M52LT-D3P, GA-M68MT-D3P dan GA-M68MT-S2P yang sudah mendukung prosesor AMD AM3+, menyediakan solusi mulai dari entry level motherboard kepada konsumen agar dapat menikmati kemampuan prosesor AMD FX yang akan datang.

“GIGABYTE terus menerus memberikan berbagai pilihan pada konsumen melalui produk motherboardnya, salah satunya adalah kompatibilitas prosesor high-end pada entry level motherboard, karena dari pengalaman kami, ada konsumen yang memang membutuhkan kombinasi ini. “ komentar Henry Kao, VP of Worldwide Service and Marketing GIGABYTE. “Sebagai pelengkap pembawa ciri khas GIGABYTE seperti Ultra Durable 2 Classic, 4+1 fasa daya VRM, On/Off Charge dan 3X USB Power pada mainstream dan entry level, saat ini konsumen dapat menikmati kemampuan prosesor AMD AM3+ yang akan datang dengan motherboard entry level.”

Dukung AMD FX Processor

Motherboard GIGABYTE AM3+ memiliki fitur socket terbaru AM3+ yang mendukung prosesor AMD FX, prosesor desktop pertama yang memiliki 8 core secara native, menghasilkan sebuah kinerja terbaik pada aplikasi yang sensitive terhadap prosesor seperti editing video, rendering model 3D dengan aplikasi multitasking.

AM3+ Black Socket

Motherboard GIGABYTE AM3+ juga menyertakan AM3+ ‘Black Socket’ yang memberikan identitas dukungan pada prosesor AMD FX yang akan datang, sekaligus tetap mendukung prosesor AMD AM3 seperti Phenom II dan Athlon II. AMD AM3+ ‘Black Socket’ juga memiliki fitur efisiensi daya dan lebih memudahkan dalam hal pemasangan heatsink prosesor.

Ultra Durable™ 2 Classic

GIGABYTE adalah pabrikan motherboard pertama yang menawarkan komponen berkualitas tinggi pada area prosesor VRM di motherboard yang bertanggungjawab terhadap pasokan daya ke prosesor. GIGABYTE Ultra Durable™ 2 Classic menggunakan kapasitod padat buatan Jepang dengan umur pakai minimal 50.000 jam, Lower RDS(on) MOSFET dengan tahanan lebih rendah dan meminimalkan konsumsi daya serta panas.

4+1 Phase VRM

Motherboard AMD AM3+ ini memiliki desain Split Power Plane, 4+1 phase VRM. Menghasilkan pasokan daya lebih stabil ke prosesor dan sekaligus mengurangi fluktuasi daya dan gangguan lainnya.

Teknologi GIGABYTE On/Off Charge

Teknologi GIGABYTE On/Off Charge memungkinkan untuk melakukan pengisian ulang baterai pada iPhone, iPad dan iPod Touch baik pada kondisi PC non aktif, standby dan pada kondisi aktif melalui port USB. Proses pengisian ulang baterai juga dapat berlangsung lebih cepat hingga 40% dibandingkan pengisian ulang secara konvensional.


Motherboard GIGABYTE memiliki fitur 3x USB power , menawarkan kompatibilitas luas pada peripheral USB dengan menyediakan dukungan daya lebih besar hingga 3X lipat. Tidak hanya itu saja, GIGABYTE juga melengkapinya dengan sekring pada masing masing USB port.

Adopted from : http://www.gigabyte.co.id

Acer completes fastest supercomputer in Taiwan Ranks #42 in Top500® - 177 TFLOPS supercomputer, scalable with flexibleservices

Acer Inc. has completed construction of the 177 TFLOPS ALPS (Advanced Large Parallel System) supercomputing system for Taiwan’s National Center for High-performance Computing (NCHC). The system is the fastest supercomputer in Taiwan, and will be used to support research in science and engineering, including the fields of chemistry, disaster simulation, biotechnology, alternative energy, life sciences and more.

NCHC is the leading research institute in Taiwan for HPC. The center works with academic and enterprise institutes to take part in joint research and HPC service support. To further their service and support for the growing HPC research needs, the center sought to build a new supercomputing system that can offer flexible HPC resources for the research needs of Taiwan. The contract was awarded to Acer in November 2010.

Acer Corporate President, Jim Wong, emphasizes that “this system was a great opportunity for Acer to demonstrate our computing ability in the most demanding environments. Supercomputing is a benchmark for all fields of IT and proves Acer servers are ready to carve their space in datacenter environments.”

Regarding the build, NCHC’s director, Kuo-Ning Chiang, explained: “The decision to build this machine was made out of necessity. NCHC provides supercomputing resources to Taiwan’s many research groups and universities, and our previous machine with only 20 TFLOPS had a long waiting list for running computing jobs. The new system by Acer not only satisfies the current demand, but gives us a lot of room to grow.”

NCHC’s deputy director, Weichang Huang, was closely involved in the build and oversaw much of the work. He comments: “We greatly appreciate having Acer and its partners’ experience and expertise on this difficult case. Under tight deadlines, they were able to work with NCHC teams to complete this complex system. In addition to the largest system ever built in Taiwan, the experience learned from this effort has offered a great deal of knowledge for both NCHC and Acer, boosting the expertise of the HPC community of Taiwan to the next level.”

“Acer’s strong portfolio of High Performance and Technical Computing systems, integrated with industry leading technology partners, allowed us to deploy a custom HPC infrastructure able to support a wide range of applications to meet the needs of a diverse user community,” said Gianluca Degliesposti, Acer Vice President of Global Server Business Development.

The ALPS supercomputing system, nicknamed Windrider, was constructed through the consolidated efforts of Acer, AMD, Qlogic, DataDirect Networks, and Platform Computing.
The Cluster system uses the latest AMD Opteron™ 6000 Series processors and has a total of 8 compute clusters, 1 large memory cluster, and over 25,000 compute cores.
In order to meet a broad set of HPC needs, the system’s architecture is flexible to grow or shrink depending on the computing demand, and since all requests are off loaded from clients located all over Taiwan and the surrounding Asia region, the system advances the concept of HPC in the cloud.

The ALPS supercomputing system is completing user acceptance testing, and will begin fulfilling Taiwan’s research needs in July 2011. It is currently listed as number 42 in the June 2011 update to the Top500® List.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tutorial Mikrotik

Silahkan download, tutorial mikrotik.

Link downlod

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Gitar Gutawa

Gitar gutawa adalah nama gitar baruku yang baru saya beli kemarin di pasar loak di daerah jogja. :D Gitar biasa yang tidak ada merek nya (kayaknya merek abal-abal karena ditempelin stiker dari merek terkenal). Kenapa saya beli gitar? Gitar gutawa saya beli karena saya ingin menghindari komputer pada saat-saat tertentu, yaitu biasanya saat saya merasa jenuh, merasa ingin beristirahat. Yah saya kira itu lebih baik ketimbang saya harus selalu berkutat di depan komputer. Kembali ingin memulihkan otak, yang sudah terdoktrin "semua adalah mesin. harus mengikuti apa yang kita mau".

Research this weekend: Dapet uang dari blog

Sepi sekali weekend ini, sendiri. Bahkan seorang teman pun tidak ada. Baiklah, walaupun begitu hari tetap akan berlalu. Saya akan lalui hari ini dengan ceria, dan tanpa patah semangat. Aku yakin dalam kesendiriaku akan kutemukan kamu.

Weekend ini saya mencoba research mengenai beberapa cara untuk mendapatkan uang dari blog. Sebagai percobaan blog ini saja, pcbolong. Awal mendengar kata "uang" siapa sih yang tidak hijau matanya? :D Ternyata tidak sesimple dan semudah itu untuk bisa mendapatkan uang dari blog. Sebelumnya perlu diketahui dulu, bahwa tidak bisa kita bikin blog lalu langsung dapat uang. Tetapi yang dimaksud di sini adalah kita membuat blog, dan kemudian kita membuat konsep serta memasukkan konten-konten atau materi-materi yang dapat mendatangkan uang. Berikut beberapa konsep yang menurut saya dapat saya adopsi pada blog ini.

1. Toko online

Simple saja, kita punya barang yang akan dijual, kemudian kita foto, dan kita masukkan ke dalam blog. Dengan sedikit tambahan uraian mengenai barang tersebut dan tambhakan juga nama alamat serta cara-cara pembelian barang tersebut. Hal ini untuk mempermudah pengunjung blog yang ingin meng-order. Simple :D

2. Sewa kamar
Sewa kamar di sini maksudnya bukan berarti menyewakan kamar, apalagi untuk digunakan berbuat mesum. :D Sewa kamar di sini berarti menyewakan sedikit space di dalam blog atau website yang kita miliki untuk iklan dari pihak lain. Bisa juga iklan dari perseorangan, atau toko-toko dari teman yang ingin produknya lebih dikenal. Ini lebih simple lagi. Apalagi sekarang sudah banyak sekali website yang menyediakan layanan jasa iklan salah satunya seperti Google Adsense.

3. Berguna
Buat blog atau website kita berguna bagi orang lain, dalam hal apa saja. Dari ini kita akan mendapatkan sesuatu yang lebih dari uang, yaitu amal :D .

Mungkin baru tiga ini point yang akan saya adopsi dan saya coba untuk meningkatkan pendapatan saya secara tidak langsung dari blog. Walaupun blog gratisan, saya optimis akan mendapatkan uang. :D Walaupun tidak pada akhirnya, toh semua usaha kita akan mendapatkan balasannya.

Lakukan lah apa yang akan kau lakukan, toh semua akan mendapatkan balasannya. (SunShine, 2011)

A Little Bit About the Soul

Translated by Joanna Trzeciak

A soul is something we have every now and then.
Nobody has one all the time
or forever.

Day after day,
year after year,
can go by without one.

Only sometimes in rapture
or in the fears of childhood
it nests a little longer.
Only sometimes in the wonderment
that we are old.

It rarely assists us
during tiresome tasks,
such as moving furniture,
carrying suitcases,
or traveling on foot in shoes too tight.

When we're filling out questionnaires
or chopping meat
it's usually given time off.

Out of our thousand conversations
it participates in one,
and even that isn't a given,
for it prefers silence.

When the body starts to ache and ache
it quietly steals from its post.

It's choosy:
not happy to see us in crowds,
sickened by our struggle for any old advantage
and the drone of business dealings.

It doesn't see joy and sorrow
as two different feelings.
It is with us
only in their union.
We can count on it
when we're not sure of anything
and curious about everything.

Of all material objects
it likes grandfather clocks
and mirrors, which work diligently
even when no one is looking.

It doesn't state where it comes from
or when it will vanish again,
but clearly it awaits such questions.

just as we need it,
it can also use us
for something.

Wislawa Szymborska received the Goethe Award in 1991, the Herder Award in 1995, and the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1996. Joanna Trzeciak lives in Chicago. A collection of her translations of Szymborska's poetry will be published next April.

Inspirasi hari ini

You are what you say you are.



Print Preview is now in Google Chrome 13

Google finally adds print preview option in Google Chrome 13 beta.

How it works?

Unlike other browsers like Firefox, chrome creates a PDF version of the page you are viewing using its inhouse PDF viewer every time you click for preview. If you disable PDF plugin, print preview shows you the error message.

You can create PDF files of the web page directly from the browser by changing the destination to "Print to PDF" (Size of the file is too heavy, which we can expect Google to take steps to reduce it in future)
Print Preview opens in new tab, you can now see the original and the preview at the same time.
This print preview is in initial stage and Google has various plans to extend it further.

You can try this feature by installing Google Chrome 13 beta or Google Chrome 14 Canary(you can use this side by side with other version of Google Chrome)

7 Steps to a Culture of Innovation

Hyper-growth companies often credit a culture of innovation as their primary driver of success. They deploy creative thinking to attack problems big and small. Here's how you can too.

We live in a business world accelerating at a dizzying speed and teeming with ruthless competition. As most of the tangible advantages of the past have become commoditized, creativity has become the currency of success. A 2010 study of 1,500 CEOs indicated that leaders rank creativity as No. 1 leadership attribute needed for prosperity. It's the one thing that can't be outsourced; the one thing that's the lifeblood of sustainable competitive advantage.

Unfortunately, most companies fail to unleash their most valuable resources: human creativity, imagination, and original thinking. They lack a systematic approach to building a culture of innovation, and then wonder why they keep getting beaten to the punch.

Hyper-growth companies such as Zappos, Groupon, and Zynga credit a culture of innovation as their primary driver of success. They take a deliberate approach to fostering creativity at all levels of their organizations, and deploy creative thinking to attack problems big and small.

Here's what you can—and must—do to develop a culture of innovation at your company:

1. Fuel Passion

"The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire," says Ferdinand Foch, the early 20th century French military theorist. Passion is the first—and most essential—ingredient for building a creative culture. Every great invention, every medical breakthrough, and every advance of humankind began with passion. A passion for change—for making the world a better place. A passion to contribute—to make a difference. A passion to discover something new.

With a team full of passion, you can accomplish just about anything. Without it, your employees become mere clock-punching automatons.

One key is to realize that passion alone isn't quite enough: You must also focus that passion into a sense of purpose. Steve Jobs wanted to "put a ding in the universe." Whole Foods Market was founded with the goal of becoming the world's leading natural and organic foods supermarket retailer. Pixar wanted to reinvent the animated film industry. Pfizer is about saving lives. Your specific purpose must be your own, but the bigger and more important your purpose is, the more passion it has the potential to create within your team.

2. Celebrate Ideas

Social norms in any culture are established by what is celebrated and what is punished. Consider more narrowly how they function within an institution. Nearly every business's mission statement includes words about "innovation," yet risk-taking and creativity are often punished instead of rewarded. Rewards come in many forms, and often the monetary ones are the least important.

Celebrating creativity is not only about handing out bonus checks for great ideas—although that is a good start. It should also be celebrated with praise (both public and private), career opportunities, and perks. In short, if you want your team to be creative, you need to establish an environment that rewards them for doing so.

3. Foster Autonomy

We all want control over our own environments. According to a 2008 study by Harvard University, there is a direct correlation between people who have the ability to call their own shots, and the value of their creative output. An employee who has to run every tiny detail by her boss for approval will quickly become numb to the creative process.

The act of creativity is one of self-expression. Imagine a typical manager hovering over Picasso, barking orders, tapping his watch, questioning the return on investment, and demanding a full report "for the file" on why he chose a certain brushstroke technique. Picasso's creativity would shrivel.

Granting autonomy also involves extending trust. By definition, your team may make decisions you would have made differently. The key is to provide a clear message of what results you are looking for or what problem you want the team to solve. From there, you need to extend trust and let them do their best work. Let them know you are behind them and value their judgment and creativity. If you show your belief in them, you will likely enjoy both the results you were seeking as well as a highly motivated and more confident team.

4. Encourage Courage

Netflix as a company is known as much for its culture as for its innovative business model. The company has built a business that is growing rapidly by allowing individuals the freedom to take creative risks without that overwhelming sense of fear or judgment. They tell their employees to "Say what you think, even if it is controversial. Make tough decisions without agonizing excessively. Take smart risks. Question actions inconsistent with our values."

Another great example: A software company in Boston gives each team member two "corporate get-out-of-jail-free" cards each year. The cards allow the holder to take risks and suffer no repercussions for mistakes associated with them. At annual reviews, leaders question their team members if the cards are not used. It is a great way to encourage risk taking and experimentation. Risky? Perhaps. Think this company comes up with amazing ideas? Absolutely.

5. Fail Forward

In most companies, people are so afraid of making mistakes that they don't pursue their dreams. The simply follow the rules and keep their heads down, which drives nothing but mediocrity.

James Dyson, the inventor of the Dyson Vacuum cleaner, "failed" at more than 5,100 prototypes before getting it just right. In fact, nearly every breakthrough innovation in history came after countless setbacks, mistakes, and "failures." The great innovators and achievers weren't necessarily smarter or inherently more talented. They simply released their fear of failure and kept trying. They didn't let setbacks or misfires extinguish their curiosity and imagination.

Failing forward means taking risks and increasing the rate of experimentation. Some bets will pay off; some will fail. The key is to fail quickly. The speed of business has increased dramatically and every minute counts. The best businesses try lots of ideas and let the losers go quickly and with no remorse.

6. Think Small

ITW is a diversified manufacturing company that produces a wide array of products from industrial packaging to power systems and electronics to food equipment to construction products. It is a highly profitable $16-billion company that is nearly 100 years old. Yet this big, old company, which is nestled in a traditional industry, thinks small.

The leaders at ITW believe that being nimble, hungry, and entrepreneurial are the ingredients for business success. As a result, any time a business unit reaches $200 million in revenue, the division "mutates" into two $100 million units. Like an amoeba, the unit subdivides so it stays small, hungry and nimble. The company would rather have 10 independently run and innovative $100 million units than a single, bureaucratic, and clunky $1 billion unit. Guess what? It's working.

Smaller companies tend to be more curious and nimble. They have a stronger sense of urgency and are not afraid to embrace change. In contrast, larger organizations often exist to protect previous ideas rather than to create new ones.

7. Maximize Diversity

Ziba, a top innovation-consulting firm in Portland, maximizes the value of a diverse workforce. The company's 120 employees are from 18 different countries and speak 26 languages. According to Sohrab Vossoughi, the firm's founder and president, "genetic diversity breeds creativity, much like it does with biology."

The company also has an "Ambassador Program," which allows employees to spend three months working in other disciplines, known as "tribes." During that time, the ambassador team member really participates as part of those teams. "This helps to create an understanding of another world," according to Vossoughi. That diversity of thought and perspective, in turn, can fuels creativity. It also translates to business results. Ziba is one of the most prolific and successful innovation firms in the world.

Diversity in all its shapes, colors, and flavors helps build creative cultures. Diversity of people and thought; diversity of work experiences, religions, nationalities, hobbies, political beliefs, races, sexual preference, age, musical tastes, and even favorite sports teams.

The magic really happens when diverse perspectives and experiences come together to form something entirely new. One person's experience working as a college intern on Wall Street may fuse with another person's experience growing up in a small village in Italy to generate a fresh idea that neither would have considered independently. This melting pot approach can drive some of the most creative cultures, thinking, and ultimately business results.

Josh Linkner is a five-time entrepreneur, venture capitalist, professor, and The New York Times best-selling author of Disciplined Dreaming – A Proven System to Drive Breakthrough Creativity. You can read more about him at www.JoshLinkner.com or find him on Twitter: @JoshLinkner.

Adopted from http://www.inc.com

Friday, June 17, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hypertable Careers

waww, hypertable is looking for new developer to his system. Naturally, because hypertable growing and widely used. Eager to participate submit a job application. But now I have a higher priority, namely completing my undergraduate degree that has been delayed.


Hypertable, Inc. is a seed funded startup that develops and provides commercial support for one of the leading open source, scalable "NoSQL" databases, modelled after Google's Bigtable. Scalable database technology lies at the heart of the big data revolution that has been ignited by the Web. Hypertable, Inc. offers an exciting opportunity to get in on the ground floor of this revolution at an early stage company with significant upside potential.
Senior Software Engineer - Hypertable Core Developer

Hypertable, Inc. is looking to hire exceptional Software Engineers to help develop Hypertable into the scalable database platform of choice for next-generation, big data applications. This is a unique opportunity to become one of the select few with experience building core scalable database infrastructure. Responsibilities of this position include helping to shape the direction of Hypertable at an architectural level as well as designing and implementing major pieces of the core database engine. If this sounds exciting to you and your background matches the qualifications below, we are eager to talk to you. We're considering top applicants at all different experience levels.

BS/MS/Ph.D. in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering or related field
Solid conceptual understanding of distributed computing technologies, including Bigtable, GFS, MapReduce, and Dynamo
Experience designing large-scale systems involving the handling of large amounts of data
Strong knowledge, experience, and interest in high performance computing
Strong background in algorithms and data structures with a solid understanding of time and space complexity
Strong C/C++ skills (Familiarity with the Boost library a plus)
Extensive system programming experience, including multi-threaded and asynchronous programming
Hands-on experience with Hadoop a plus
Experience designing and developing an RDBMS is a big plus

Openings are available at our Silicon Valley office in downtown Redwood City (walking distance from Caltrain) as well as remote, work-from-home position in a European time-zone. Hypertable, Inc. is seed funded startup that offers a competitive compensation package, including salary, benefits, and equity. If you are interested in this position, please e-mail your CV or a pointer to your LinkedIn profile to careers@hypertable.com.

Adopted from http://www.hypertable.com/careers/

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Spirit this morning

I'm often asked the question, "Do you think there is extraterrestrial intelli-
gence?" I give the standard arguments -- there are a lot of places out there,
and use the word *billions*, and so on. And then I say it would be astonishing
to me if there weren't extraterrestrial intelligence, but of course there is as
yet no compelling evidence for it. And then I'm asked, "Yeah, but what do you
really think?" I say, "I just told you what I really think." "Yeah, but
what's your gut feeling?" But I try not to think with my gut. Really, it's
okay to reserve judgment until the evidence is in.
-- Carl Sagan

Monday, June 13, 2011

Refisi laporan skripsi 13 Juni 2009

- Tulisan pengarang pada referensi salah
- cara penulisan tabel juga salah
- Rumusan masalah dan tujuan penelitian salah lagi
- referensi gunakan dari buku
- waterfall gambarnya salah
- tabel notasi dfd salah
- notasi flowchart di rata kiri aja
- tabel erd salah
- analisis masalah salah
- simbol salah

wkwkwk semua menyangkut teori yang direvisi. tidak ada revisi tentang coding yang salah. Huft,kuliah jurusan teknik informatika seperti kuliah di jurusan tata bahasa :D

Cleaning the slackware system

Sometimes you can find yourself in a situation where you are suddenly faced with a message telling you that there’s no more free space on your system. There might be a few things you can do to free some of it.

The first reason for that can be /tmp which doesn’t get cleaned automatically. I create my temporary files in my home directory so I can safely delete the contents of /tmp every time I shut down the system. You don’t have to do it manually, though. The following command should be placed in /etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown

/usr/bin/find /tmp -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0r /bin/rm -rf

As this file doesn’t exist on the default installation of Slackware, you need to create it first and give it execution permission:

# chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown

This will delete ALL the files in the /tmp directory every time the system shuts down, so be careful what you put there! Generally, the rc.local_shutdown file might also be useful in other ways. If you need to perform any other tasks on shutdown, you can put them in the file. Remember to test your commands well before you include them in the shutdown file.

The /tmp directory can also be mounted on a separate partition, which makes it easy to limit the size of the temporary files directory.

If you have been using sbopkg (an excellent Slackbuilds browser) for a lot time, it might also have kept a lot of source files. First you can check (and optionally delete) if there are any obsolete cached sources:

# sbopkg -o
[ Checking for obsolete sources ]
This may take a few moments. Press to abort.
It appears there are no obsolete sources in /var/cache/sbopkg.

As most people do not need the sources of packages installed via sbopkg, you may also want to clean the whole sbopkg cache. You can do it in sbopkg’s utility menu.

It’s also good practice to find directories/files that take up most space. The following command will display 20 largest files/directories in a specified place:

du -a /home/user/ | sort -n -r | head -n 20

You can go through the list and decide which things you want to delete.

Another way of freeing some space is by uninstalling the apps that you no longer need. If you don’t know what you are doing, it is NOT recommended to uninstall anything from the Slackware’s default installation. You might break some parts of the system . A safer approach would be uninstalling programs that you have manually installed either through sbopkg or any other way. You can browse programs installed via sbopkg using one of its menu items. You can also remove packages using pkgtool. In order for pkgtool to be able to manage your package, it shouldn’t be compiled using the traditional ./configure ; make ; make install method. You can either create your own slackbuild which will compile, package and install your application, or let the excellent src2pkg tool do it for you.

Happy cleaning

adopted from slackword.net

Akar dari semua masalah

Akhirnya pagi ini saya menyadari, menyadari mengenai sesuatu. Yaitu akar dari sebuah masalah yang sejak saya mengenal kehidupan sampai sekarang ini terus mengganggu saya, dan membuat saya terkadang bertindak gila. Saya jadi sering senyum-senyum sendiri sekarang, kenapa tidak dari dulu saya menemukan hal ini. Yah, inilah hidup. Seperti menghadapi sebuah komputer, harus ada sebuah usaha trial dan error.

Sebenarnya apa sih akarnya? Akarnya hanya satu. Yaitu "Ketakutan diri kita sendiri akan sebuah hal yang bernama kehidupan". :) Silahkan cari sendiri maknanya. Akan lebih berarti jika Anda dapat mengerti dan memahami kata-kata tersebut.

Semangat!! Untuk lebih baik, dan lebih berguna bagi sesama!!cayooo!!!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Easy Start to Website Success

While there are no “secrets” to owning or operating a successful website, there is one incredibly important step that should be taken to ensure that you have the best possible chance at fame and fortune. An easy start to website success is beginning with research and benchmarking.

As you might imagine – most Web professionals begin their journey towards Web success hastily, moved more by the potential than the details encountered throughout the journey. I believe so strongly in the importance of preparation and research that I dedicated an entire chapter section to it in my recently released book Web 360: The Fundamentals of Web Success.

In that chapter I discuss the importance of research and benchmarking in the context of the “big idea” and the steps you can take to ensure that the information you acquire about the industry in which you will be participating and those you will be competing against provides real, measurable value over both the short and long term.

Research is often met with skepticism and sighs, however. What can you really get out of it? How long is it going to take? These are good questions, but consider this: Would you go for a job interview without knowing something about the company? Would you buy shares (invest) in a public company without knowing something about it? Probably not. Research is fundamental to success on the Web.

So let's get started!
Below you'll find an excerpt from Web 360 - consider it an introduction to competitive research on the Web.

From Web 360: The Fundamentals of Web Success
Chapter 1, Section 2 Excerpt

You came up with a great idea. Congratulations. Now the fun begins. Benchmarking is one of those terms that, if you didn’t know any better, would require several hours of scratching your head while you had it explained to you.

In its simplest explanation, benchmarking is the process of finding out who the competition is, the quantity and quality of their presence, the positive and negative feedback associated with those you are researching, and, most importantly, learning what it takes to meet or exceed the value in and success achieved by the competing enterprises you identified in this process.

If the term benchmarking confuses, frustrates or bores you, consider it the equivalent of building out a dossier of your enemies. Once you know who your enemies are and what their strongest and weakest attributes are, you are able to improve yourself (and your big idea) so that you can compete against (and defeat) them in the future.

Even without a vast market-research budget, each and every enterprise can start the benchmarking process by identifying the problem areas of its competitors and what makes certain solutions (or websites) better or worse than the others in its niche. Since benchmarking is often applied to many varying business processes and functions, a range of research techniques are often implemented. Many successful enterprises engage in benchmarking because of the advantages the process can provide.


Benchmarking for the Rest of Us
There are as many different approaches to benchmarking and competitive research as there are definitions, so know that yours would not be the first website to launch without a thorough formal analysis of this nature. In the end, you can certainly develop and promote a website without having any information at all about your competitors, but when competitive benchmarking is done effectively, your site will ultimately be better positioned for success.

Properly executed benchmarking will reveal new marketing methodologies, business techniques, design ideas and development tools to improve the effectiveness of your own Web presence. The practice also illustrates the best methods for solving issues you are experiencing other than the ones you are currently utilizing. Demonstrating to your team and yourself that these alternate solutions work, because they are being used by others, will relieve many site-related headaches in the future when you consider improving your website and the big idea that it represents.

Benchmarking is not just a process, but should also be considered a formal business policy and an ongoing commitment to staying informed of the issues that impact the sustainability of your online endeavor. Thinking of it in the following manner may clear up the confusing nature of benchmarking.


Web Tip: Know More Than the Competition - Knowing more than the competition will serve you well as you create a strategy, create a website and create your own business destiny. There is no replacement for knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the companies and websites you are competing against, and understanding the needs of people and the industry itself. Knowing more than the competition will give you a leg up, and failing to know more will result in missed opportunities—something you can’t afford to risk.


In every conversation, informal or formal (with customers, employees, suppliers or partners), your business should seek every opportunity to gain important information about others. Make an effort every day to find out everything you can about what it will take to be the premier vendor of whatever it is that you are selling, offering or providing. Exploratory research techniques like focus groups, surveys and questionnaires are a great start, and there are plenty of resources to help facilitate this research.

What should you be benchmarking? Your first step might be to identify enterprises that are leaders in the niche or industry that you are getting involved with—often called competitive benchmarking. It is usually pretty easy to find out which companies are worthy of your research attention; just query your preferred search engine with the words and phrases with which you hope your customers will ideally find you. Another option is to use services such as Compete.com, Quantcast.com, Alexa.com and Ranking.com, as these outlets offer valuable data on websites in specific categories.

Once you know the “who”, then you can start a process of discovery: What makes this site or its product unique? What do its clients think of the offering? How does (or will) my solution or service differ? Should I modify my pricing to be more in line with the competition, or am I confident enough that my site, service or solution can stand on its own? Your responses to these questions might be subjective and biased, but the information you gather is valuable and will help you identify opportunities for your big idea to flourish.


Web Tip: Benchmarking for Everyone - Benchmarking is not a practice for your enjoyment, but rather your benefit. Perhaps the easiest way to get the process started is to begin with your preferred spreadsheet software, e.g. Excel. You will find that documenting your research is far better than trying to recall everything at once. You can put a Web 2.0 twist on your benchmarking and use a bookmarking service and tag the content you include to build a repository of information important to you and your big idea. Scuttle and phpBookmark are two good options to consider, as are PressMark and Akarru.


You may hear a lot of “do this” and “do that” when it comes to benchmarking, but most of the information does not provide any specific guidance to those developing a Web presence, largely because there are so many ways to look at a product or company, and even more ways to identify and analyze the data that you collect.

Here’s what you need to know about benchmarking: find out who the competition is and learn how they market and present their products online, making sure to develop criteria that is important to the short and long term sustainability of your Internet endeavor. Does the site advertise online? If so, where? In what format are your competitors’ pages designed? What are the pricing levels of the product or service? Developing a spreadsheet about these various points of interest has helped many Internet experts keep track of all the information they discover through the research process, and it will help you, too. Once you start researching and keeping good notes, the answers and solutions will reveal themselves clearly—very clearly.


In Focus: Ranking.com - When engaging in competitive benchmarking, you will quickly discover that opinions abound. One provider will provide one view or angle on a website and another will see something completely different. For this reason it is important to supplement whichever service you use with data from other data services as it helps develop a fuller picture of the competitive landscape. Consider using Ranking.com’s advanced search feature for example, which tracks of sites’ online popularity over time.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Web Design & The Rule of Thirds

Grid-based design provides designers a formal way to assess the communicative expression power of the UI thanks to the rule of thirds - a topic Website Magazine addresses in our July 2011 issue. But what is the rule of thirds and how can you use it to improve interaction on your own site?

Originally used in the visual arts field, the rule of thirds is adapted well to any design and any design format or device thanks to its simplicity. The rule of thirds identifies four focal points within compositions to where the human eye is naturally attracted. By aligning elements on dividing lines or placing elements at these focal points, a maximum amount of interest and energy can be directed to the most important elements of the page. While eye tracking and heat maps provide meaningful, empirical data on how the site was used in the past by users, applying the rule of thirds can be useful as the design takes shape to ensure you are meeting the underlying objectives initially set forth and within the boundaries of standard design practices.

To really understand how the rule of thirds can be used it is necessary to compare and review various websites to see what are they doing right and what are they doing wrong. WM reviewed homepages/index pages of three sites in the "Music/Entertainment" category including Rolling Stone, Spin Magazine and our very own WM Senior Editor Mike Phillips' Chicago Music Blog, Sound Citizen. We're looking beyond the homepage as well with an analysis of content pages on these websites and how the rule of thirds applies to their layout/structure.

Rules of Thirds on Homepages
When applying the rule of thirds to home or index pages, having site-wide objectives prioritized is of vital importance. In the case of the three sites reviewed, exposing content, profiling advertising, and encouraging "social" are the apparent core objectives of these sites when the rule of thirds is applied.

So how do the sites stack up? All things considered, pretty well. Some things that stand out at the outset are the predominance of advertising on Rolling Stone and Spin and how well they have done to balance advertising with featured editorial content. Sound Citizen's focal points mainly target content and community features. Sound Citizen is also the only one of the three sites to employ a two column layout as opposed to three column layouts used by the others. The use of a two-column layout has different restrictions than that of a three-column. Rolling Stone and Spin are able to feature more content over the fold than Sound Citizen without losing site of the primary ad's importance. Also, notice how much more linear (and in-line with grid based design) Rolling Stone and Spin are compared to Sound Citizen.

Rules of Third on Content Pages
When it comes to content pages, the rule of thirds once again proves useful. Keep in mind that the intersections of our "thirds" (represented by the blue dots) are not actually intended to be the the exclusive focus of our readers but also what is immediately around them.

So how do these pages stack up? Not very well, in our estimation. But there are some instances of abiding by the rule of thirds. Rolling Stone once again puts the ad in plain sight and Spin further exposes its most popular content to the lower right of the fourth focal point. Both, however, put the burden on the viewer to locate and consume the page's content. Unlike Rolling Stone and Spin, Sound Citizen maintains its structure well. The design supports the primary objectives of the site (content and community) and it is carried over from previous pages visited by the user, such as the homepage. However, based on our evaluation, there is a great deal of room for improvement on all three sites.

Sony Pictures hacked by Lulz Security, 1,000,000 passwords claimed stolen

Oh, Sony -- not again. We've just received numerous tips that Lulz Security has broken into SonyPictures.com, where it claims to have stolen the personal information of over 1,000,000 users -- all stored (disgracefully) in plain text format. Lulz claims the heist was performed with a simple SQL injection -- just like we saw the last time around. A portion of the group's exploit is posted online in a RAR file, which contains over 50,000 email / password combos of unfortunate users. We've downloaded this file (at our own risk, mind you) and can verify these sensitive bits are now in the wild, though it remains unclear if what's published matches reality. In addition to user information, the group has blurted out over 20,000 Sony music coupons, and the admin database (including email addresses and passwords) for BMG Belgium employees. Fresh off the heels of the PlayStation Network restoration, we're guessing the fine folks in Sony's IT department are now surviving solely on adrenaline shots.

AppsGeyser Supports HTML5

Do-it-yourself application generator AppsGeyser announced full support of HTML5 this week. There are currently more than 29,000 apps in the platform’s ecosystem.

What is so interesting about the announcement is that HTML5 allows app developers to more fully leverage the core underlying feature of mobile devices and tablets including support for location and location-based services, and extended and enhancing audio and video. Developers can create Apps with HTML5 capabilities and still use AppsGeyser’s simplified 2-step process to convert them into native apps. Mass conversion is also supported via a web call to the AppsGeyser API.

Vasily Salomatov, co-founder of AppsGeyser, while speaking at the Israel Mobile Summit with a panel of experts that included Rovio and Inneractive, said that "HTML5 brings a whole set of new capabilities that allows us to create not only informative and dynamic apps, but truly interactive location-aware apps.” He also emphasized that “it only takes very basic HTML knowledge, coupled with our web tools, and anyone can create an awesome location based app."

Facebook Philosophy: Move Fast and Break Things

This is part of IEEE Spectrum's special report on the battle for the future of the social Web.

A scruffy young guy in white-framed sunglasses and a long blue cape shouts into a tiny black megaphone: "Welcome to Hackathon 23!"

But he’s not a nefarious cybercriminal. He’s an engineer at Facebook, and he’s standing in the company’s Palo Alto headquarters at 5 p.m., surrounded by about 60 other coders eager to start what looks like a free-form, all-night programming party. But a hackathon isn’t just fun and games. While the general public has come to associate hacking with black-hat crooks, Facebook is reclaiming the term, evoking its "ethical hacking" roots of computer labs in the 1970s.

Hacking at Facebook is an intellectual and creative exercise, and more. It involves putting aside everyday duties to pursue challenges just for sake of doing it—but also seeing if, maybe, it will result in something useful. From these roughly bimonthly internal hackathon events to an annual Hacker Cup open to programmers around the world, hacking is, as founder and former hacker Mark Zuckerberg puts it, "an awesome part of our culture."

"The idea is to work passionately toward a goal and set aside standard, conventional rules others think apply," says Pedram Keyani, engineering manager of Facebook’s site integrity team. "Imagine if you didn’t have to worry about scale; what product can you build? Imagine not being constrained by processing speed; what can you develop? For us, hacking is about passionately working toward a goal and not being afraid of failure."

Hacking at Facebook isn’t new. In fact, as the film The Social Network dramatized, the site began when founder Zuckerberg sat at his computer at Harvard one night and typed the infamous words "Let the hacking begin." His intention was to break into the university’s facebook to make something new—and the success of that moment still inspires the company today.

As the company grew, "every night was hackathon," recalls Keyani, who studied computer engineering at Stanford and was the engineering manager at Google before coming to Facebook in 2007 to start their site integrity team, which watches out for scams and other security issues. Facebook’s engineers would gather over dinner and talk about new features for the site, then stay up all night bringing them to life. "Early on, it was just part of the company culture," he adds. "You just keep working until you have something to show."

Hackathons scaled up as the staff grew to today’s roughly 500 engineers (the company wants to have at least one engineer per million members at all times). "The only real rule," Zuckerberg has said, "is that you’re not allowed to work on the same thing that your day job is."

Hackathons generally start when a Facebook engineer sends an e-mail around asking, Does anyone want to stay up all night hacking? Word spreads. A date gets set. Food and kegs are ordered. Fridges are stocked with Red Bull. The cuisine—Chinese food—doesn’t vary, although, like Facebook itself, it has matured. The company used to order from a neighborhood joint, but nowadays its chef cooks it in house. Once, post- hackathon, dozens of weary geeks showed up at the International House of Pancakes, causing a stir. One engineer later blogged, "My advice: Don’t roll in 45 deep to an IHOP at 6 a.m."

For Hackathon 23, 60 or so engineers cram into the kitchen. Keyani will make a motivational speech about how hacking is "a core part of the company, something that separates it from other companies as far as staying innovative."

While a hackathon is free-form, the best ideas are later taken to a prototype forum and presented to Zuckerberg and others in a two-hour meeting. As many as 50 concepts might get floated on a good day, with each coder getting no more than three minutes to show their goods. Ideas with enough "likes" live on.

Real products have come from hackathons. In 2007, two engineers emerged with Facebook Videos, a feature that allows users to upload short clips to the site (it went live the day after they passed the prototype forum). The popular "Like" button, which lets members show approval of each other’s updates, photos, and comments, was also born at a hackathon.

Another time, a group of coders pooled their talents to create a way for users to chat in real time. Rather than figuring out how to build the chat client for 600 million people, the team built a small-scale prototype instead. "Hacking is throwing away the conventional rules," says Keyani. "You can build a chat client in one night if it’s only for a couple thousand people."

Hackathons aren’t just about creating new products. Facebook’s security engineering team will spend a session, as Keyani says, "looking at a product and saying, What are ways I can abuse this?" Recently, the company learned that hackers were pulling a trick called "likejacking": duping unwitting Web surfers into clicking hidden Like buttons and sending spam to friends. The solution—which Facebook doesn’t want to reveal—was found during the wee hours of a hackathon.

Facebook is now taking its hackathon idea wide. The company calls it Camp Hackathon, and it’s coming soon to a university near you. The events, sort of a hackathon road show, began this year and have visited about 10 schools so far. They’re modeled after the company’s own sessions, with students pulling all-nighters to think, and code, outside the box.

After each Camp Hackathon, one winning engineering team gets selected to come to Palo Alto for a hackathon at the Facebook headquarters—and get judged by the king hacker himself, Zuckerberg. The purpose isn’t necessarily to fuel Facebook (students retain the intellectual property to their inventions) but to fuel innovation for the next generation. "The goal of Camp Hackathon is to export our hackathon culture to these different schools and motivate students to think beyond the classroom," Keyani says.

In January, the company launched a more competitive hacking event. It was the first annual Hacker Cup, billed as "an annual algorithmic programming contest open to hackers from around the world." Nearly 12 000 hackers from China to Ukraine competed for a share of US $10 000 in prizes and trophies.

Hackers were given three algorithmic problems to solve in the fastest possible time. One problem, called Safest Space, challenged competitors to calculate a safe distance from a set of bombs exploding in particular points in space. The winner was Petr Mitrichev, a 26-year-old coder from Moscow who just happens to work for Google.

Keyani says Facebook plans to continue to spread its hacker gospel in many events to come. "Our motto is ’Move fast and break things,’ " he says. "Don’t be afraid to try something you don’t know how to use."

One Million Domains for .CO Registry

The .Co Registry announced that it passed one million registrations this week, less than one year from its global launch in July 2010. The one millionth domain name was officially registered at GoDaddy.com, the largest retailer of .CO domain names globally.

“Entrepreneurs and innovative businesses around the globe are adopting .CO web addresses at an unprecedented pace, way beyond my initial expectations,” said Juan Diego Calle, CEO of .CO Internet.

While .CO has its detractors, and may eventually suffer from the introduction of the new top-level domains, the popularity of .CO is pretty spectacular. Many well-known brands including Twitter (T.CO) Overstock (O.CO) have adopted the extension and put it to good use. Overstock even went as far as to rebrand its company internationally as O.CO.

According to .CO Internet S.A.S. (www.Opportunity.CO), the official registry operator for the .CO domain, customer penetration is currently greatest in North America (which accounts for approximately 50% of .CO domain registrations), and throughout Europe, (which accounts for approximately 25% of registrations).

Microdata Wins - Schema.org Brings Richer Web

Google, Bing and Yahoo jointly announced a new initiative today at Schema.org to create and support a common vocabulary for structured data markup on web pages in Microdata.

For many years search engines have worked independently of one another to establish some standards in structured markup. Essentially, through Schema.org, the search engines have come together to provide support for a common set of schemas – again, that would be microdata.

In the past, there were different standards for structured data markup including microdata, microformats, and RDFa, causing confusion for webmasters which may have ultimately been the cause of the slow adoption.

WM advises you to visit schema.org to learn more as there are now schemas for hundreds of new categories including movies, music, organizations, TV shows, products, places and others.

Google noted that it will continue to support markup on pages using microformats or RDFa, noting that while acceptable to use any of the previously supported structured data types, they advise against mixing formats as it can cause confusion for its parser.

Website Magazine will follow developments surrounding this announcement closely – so stay tuned for future coverage.

Should You Build That Website You’ve Been Talking About? [FLOWCHART]

So you’ve got a great idea for a website. That makes you and about 17 bajillion others.

When it comes to committing to building a site or app, there are a ton of factors to take into consideration. Even if you have a killer idea or two, you still need skills, chops, and a web-savvy posse to help you execute and promote your site.

Here’s a handy flowchart from creative marketplace Vitamin Talent to help you decide whether it’s time to build an awesome website, time to go back to school, time to hire a dev or two, or time to go back to the drawing board.

If this flowchart is really lighting a fire under your most recent website idea, you can also check out our lists of resources for devs and web designers and free sites for learning how to code.

Tips internet marketing hari ini

Don’t focus to build backlinks too much but Focus to build high quality content."I will say that backlink is still important but I will say High Quality Content is more important."

Yah...benar juga :D selamat berkarya

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

some Firefox tricks you must know

Firefox is most widely used web browser over the world. Many users prefer Firefox for fast web surfing. Hackers use it as a hacking tool. You must know some important Firefox tricks to speedup your surfing. These are some Firefox tricks.

Keyboard shortcuts. This is where you become a real Jedi. It just takes a little while to learn these, but once you do, your browsing will be super fast. Here are some of the most common (and my personal favs):

Spacebar (page down)
Shift-Spacebar (page up)
Ctrl+F (find)
Alt-N (find next)
Ctrl+D (bookmark page)
Ctrl+T (new tab)
Ctrl+K (go to search box)
Ctrl+L (go to address bar)
Ctrl+= (increase text size)
Ctrl+- (decrease text size)
Ctrl-W (close tab)
F5 (reload)
Alt-Home (go to home page)

Tab navigation. Instead of using the mouse to select different tabs that you have open, use the keyboard. Here are the shortcuts:

Ctrl+Tab (rotate forward among tabs)
Ctrl+Shft+Tab (rotate to the previous tab)
Ctrl+1-9 (choose a number to jump to a specific tab)

Mouse shortcuts. Sometimes you’re already using your mouse and it’s easier to use a mouse shortcut than to go back to the keyboard. Master these cool ones:

Middle click on link (opens in new tab)
Shift-scroll down (previous page)
Shift-scroll up (next page)
Ctrl-scroll up (decrease text size)
Ctrl-scroll down (increase text size)
Middle click on a tab (closes tab)

Auto-complete. This is another keyboard shortcut, but it’s not commonly known and very useful. By using this you can surf to your website by less typing effort. Go to the address bar and type the name of the site without the “www” or the “.com”. Let’s say “Google”. Then press Control-Enter, and it will automatically fill in the “www” and the “.com” and take you there – like magic! For .net addresses, press Shift-Enter, and for .org addresses, press Control-Shift-Enter.

Google chrome shortcut keys

Today i am going to provide you a list of Google Chrome shortcut keys. These keys can help you to navigate and use your chrome browser in faster an easy way.

CTRL + SHIFT + N : automatically opens up a Chrome ‘incognito’ window which allows you to surf on a PC without leaving behind any digital footprints.

SHIFT + Escape: allows for fast access to Chrome’s task Manager utility that allows you to nix browser processes that have gone awry.

CTRL + SHIFT + T: will open recently closed browser tabs.

Ctrl+N – Open a new window
Ctrl+Shift+N – Open a new window in incognito mode
Press Ctrl,and click a link – Open link in a new tab
Press Shift, and click a link – Open link in a new window
Alt+F4 - Close current window
Ctrl+T - Open a new tab
Ctrl+Shift+T – Reopen the last tab you’ve closed. Google Chrome remembers the last 10 tabs you’ve closed.
Drag link to tab – Open link in specified tab
Drag link to space between tabs – Open link in a new tab in the specified position on the tab strip
Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+8 – Switch to the tab at the specified position number. The number you press represents a position on the tab strip.
Ctrl+9 – Switch to the last tab
Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+PgDown – Switch to the next tab
Ctrl+Shift+Tab or Ctrl+PgUp – Switch to the previous tab
Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4 – Close current tab or pop-up
Alt+Home – Open your homepage
Ctrl+O, then select file – Open a file from your computer in Google Chrome

Ctrl+P – Print your current page
F5 – Reload current page
Esc – Stop page loading
Ctrl+F5 or Shift+F5 – Reload current page, ignoring cached content
Press Alt, and click a link – Download link
Ctrl+F – Open find-in-page box
Ctrl+G or F3 – Find next match for your input in the find-in-page box
Ctrl+Shift+G or Shift+F3 – Find previous match for your input in the find-in-page box
Ctrl+U – View source
Drag link to bookmarks bar – Bookmark the link
Ctrl+D – Bookmark your current webpage
Ctrl++ – Make text larger
Ctrl+- – Make text smaller
Ctrl+0 – Return to normal text size

Ctrl+B – Toggle bookmarks bar on and off
Ctrl+H – View the History page
Ctrl+J – View the Downloads page
Shift+Escape – View the Task manager

Opera keyboard shortcuts

If you use Opera web browser for internet browsing, i have some useful tips to make your web browsig easy. You ca use these shortcuts to surf in faster way.

Add Bookmark Ctrl + T
Bookmarks F4, Ctrl + Alt + B or Ctrl + 1
Close Tab Ctrl + W or Ctrl + F4
Decrease Text Size 9
Downloads Ctrl + Alt + T or Ctrl + 5
Find Again F3
Find As You Type Link , or Shift + /
Find As You Type Text / or .
Find Previous Shift + F3

Find in This Page Ctrl + F
Full Screen F11
History Ctrl + Alt + H or Ctrl + 4
Increase Text Size 0
New Tab Ctrl + N
Next Tab Ctrl + Tab, Alt + PgDn, Ctrl + F6 or 2
New Window Ctrl + Alt + N
Open Address in New Tab Shift + Enter
Page Info Ctrl + 8
Page Source Ctrl + F3
Previous Tab Ctrl + Shift + Tab, Alt + PgUp, Ctrl + Shift + F6 or 1
Restore Text Size 6
Select Location Bar F8
Stop Esc
Web Search Shift + F8